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Autor/inn/enGorostiaga, Jorge M.; Paulston, Rolland G.
TitelMapping New Approaches in Program Evaluation: A Cross-Cultural Perspective.
Quelle(1999), (54 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCross Cultural Studies; Educational Improvement; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Intercultural Communication; Latin American Culture; Measurement Techniques; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; Program Improvement; Program Validation
AbstractThis paper examines new approaches to program evaluation and explores their possible utility in Latin American educational settings. Part 1 briefly discusses why new ideas for evaluating educational studies are needed. Part 2 examines seven new evaluative approaches as follows: (1) "Concept Mapping," a type of structural conceptualization; (2) "Participatory Self-Evaluation," designed by United Nations development programs; (3) "Social Cartography," an interpretive tool based on textual analysis and spatial patterning; (4) "Intertextual Evaluation," based on post-structuralist literary theory, establishing useful criteria for program evaluation; (5) "The Analogy of the Soil Scientist," a sociocultural approach for program planning and evaluation; (6) "Evaluation and Organizational Learning," a cybernetic conception including dialogue, experimentation, and team work; and (7) "Organizational Perspectives," an evaluative approach employing five perspectives : managerial hierarchy, street-level bureaucracy, organizational development, conflict and bargaining, and chance and chaos. Part 3 compares and contrasts the seven approaches and discusses their applications to Latin American programs. (Contains 10 figures and 44 references.) (RIB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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