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Autor/inHelmers, Marguerite
TitelGender/Authority, Teacher/Critic.
Quelle(1998), (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Critical Theory; English Instruction; Females; Feminism; Feminist Criticism; Higher Education; Sex Role; Teacher Student Relationship; Undergraduate Students; Writing (Composition); Writing Instruction
AbstractAn educator recently contributed a statement concerning some of the difficulties in teaching critical theory to undergraduates, particularly works translated from the French poststructuralists, to the newly published collection "Foregrounding Ethical Awareness in Composition and English Studies." As a postscript, the educator would like to balance the discussion of Michel Foucault's ethics with a feminist perspective from which she hopes to draw attention to additional problems in the relation between teacher, student, and material. In writing pedagogy, the focus of the self's expressivist work is to authorize the writer as an agent. Writing constitutes a certain way of manifesting oneself to oneself and others. Women are engaged in living, learning, teaching, reading, and writing that takes place in their existence as daughters, mothers, sisters, teachers, and colleagues--mirroring the "others" in their own lives, bringing themselves into congruence with the gaze of the other. Donna Haraway and Carmen Luke urge women to distrust Foucault's removed asceticism, suggesting that the nature of existence, especially feminine existence, is plural and dialogically responsive to the world. Where Foucault prescribes a turning away from the world, Luke finds power in the everyday business of living. Haraway uses the cyborg as a metaphor for defining existence without difference. (Contains eight references.) (CR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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