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Autor/inn/enShaughnessy, Michael F.; Lehtonen, Kimmo
TitelThe Emotionally Sensitive Adolescent.
Quelle(1998), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdolescents; Emotional Problems; Emotional Response; High School Students; High Schools; Interpersonal Competence; School Counseling; Self Esteem; Social Adjustment
AbstractThis paper provides a list of signs, symptoms, and indicators of emotionally sensitive adolescents includes clinging behavior, withdrawn behavior, shy/inhibited behavior, represses anger, poor reaction to criticism, makes self-disparaging statements, low self-esteem, "can't forgive self or others," ruined by a small critical comment, exploding when criticized, emotionally volatile, and depression. Causes reviewed include dysfunctional families, divorce, unrealistic expectations, abuse or neglect, and parenting "enmeshment." Gifted children often seem to be more emotionally sensitive than other children. Teaching, parenting, and counseling issues that must be examined as possible contributors to the problem include standards, especially inordinately high standards; past reinforcement history, and the vagaries of parenting response due to divorce. The emotionally sensitive adolescent has many concerns including teachers' expectations, comparison to siblings, feelings of inferiority, inadequacy or rejection, divorce, moving, and bullies. Parental guidelines are presented; music and art therapy are recommended. Prognosis is discussed. (EMK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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