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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enRogers, Cosby Steele; Laws, Peter
TitelSuccesses and Lessons Learned in an On-Line Course on Socioemotional Development.
Quelle(1997), (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Child Development; Computer Mediated Communication; Course Organization; Curriculum Development; Distance Education; Higher Education; Independent Study; Listservs; Nontraditional Education; Student Participation; Technology Integration; World Wide Web
AbstractA child development course was offered as a web-based, asynchronous distance learning course by the Department of Family and Child Development in the College of Human Resources and Education at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University during summer 1996. The course was initiated to respond to the demand for flexible distance learning opportunities and take advantage of changing trends in higher education in terms of technology-based learning experience. This paper describes the course organization, content, and processes involved in its delivery. Lessons learned include: (1) multiple presentation modes offer the opportunity to design learning experiences that are closely matched to learning objectives; (2) students need easy access to a computer specialist who can offer technical support; (3) group dynamics in asynchronous listserv discussions mimic real-time face-to-face interactions; (4) asynchronous learning activities offer increased flexibility for adult learners, but also require either self-regulated, self-directed learners or strict deadlines monitored by the instructor; (5) self-directed learning skills need to be examined in conjunction with on-line teaching strategies; (6) distance education graduate courses for adult learners can be exciting and successful; (7) technical problems at the beginning tend to diminish later, and asynchronous conferencing leads to problems with deadlines; (8) on-line courses require two to three times more delivery time; and (9) while the class was successful with 13 students, it may be more difficult to maintain a sense of community and manage communications with a larger class size. (Contains 16 references.) (SWC)
Anmerkungen conf97/
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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