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Autor/inn/enMunn, Pamela; Cullen, Mairi Ann; Johnstone, Margaret; Lloyd, Gwynedd
InstitutionScottish Office Education and Industry Dept., Edinburgh. Research and Intelligence Unit.
TitelExclusions and In-school Alternatives. Interchange No. 47.
Quelle(1997), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBehavior Problems; Discipline Policy; Discipline Problems; Elementary Secondary Education; Expulsion; Foreign Countries; In School Suspension; Student Attrition; Student Behavior; United Kingdom (Scotland)
AbstractIn the United Kingdom, exclusion from school is the most serious sanction a school can use in response to disruptive behavior. There has been continuing concern about the rising numbers of exclusions in the United Kingdom as a whole; however, little has been known about the situation in Scotland. This report presents findings of a study that investigated student exclusions in Scotland. The research sought to map Regional Authority policies, describe the characteristics of a sample of excluded pupils, investigate perceptions of exclusion and of in-school alternatives, and provide guidance on best policy and practice. During 1994-96, data were gathered through analysis of Regional Authority policy documents, telephone interviews with senior education officers, a telephone survey of 176 headteachers, and case studies of 8 secondary and 4 primary schools. Findings indicated that excluded pupils were treated differently in different parts of the country. Headteachers did not view exclusion as an effective sanction, and mentioned a variety of inschool alternatives. Some pupils felt that they were unfairly treated, being singled out as troublemakers because of gender, socioeconomic status, or family background. Good home-school relations are vital. Recommendations are offered for central government, local authorities, and schools. There was a consensus on the need for national guidance setting out generally agreed and accepted educational principles against which exclusion policy and practice could be judged. Two tables are included. (LMI)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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