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Sonst. PersonenKerr, Stephen T. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNational Society for the Study of Education, Chicago, IL.
TitelTechnology and the Future of Schooling. Ninety-fifth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Part II.
Quelle(1996), (238 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterClassroom Techniques; Computer Uses in Education; Cultural Influences; Educational Finance; Educational Technology; Elementary Secondary Education; Futures (of Society); Instructional Effectiveness; Outcomes of Education; Social Influences; Technological Advancement; Technology Integration
AbstractThe National Society for the Study of Education encourages serious study of educational issues and makes the results of such studies available for informed discussion of the issues. In this volume, the issues associated with technology in the schools are placed in the context of technology as a significant and pervasive feature of contemporary life. Papers in the volume deal with cultural, social, and philosophical issues that are often ignored in discussions of the use and potential of technology in education. The book consists of 8 chapters: (1) "Visions of Sugarplums: The Future of Technology, Education, and the Schools" (Stephen T. Kerr); (2) "The American Ideology of Technological Progress: Historical Perspectives" (Howard P. Segal); (3) "Funding Educational Technology: Patterns, Plans, and Models" (Kathleen C. Westbrook and Stephen T. Kerr); (4) "Taking McLuhan and 'Medium Theory' Seriously: Technological Change and the Evolution of Education" (Joshua Meyrowitz); (5) "Learning in Wonderland: What Do Computers Really Offer Education?" (Gavriel Salomon and David Perkins); (6) "Situational Effects in Classroom Technology Implementations: Unfulfilled Expectations and Unexpected Outcomes" (Nira Hativa and Alan Lesgold); (7) "Activity-Oriented Models of Information-Based Instructional Environments" (V. V. Rubtsov and A. A. Margolis); and (8) "Integrating Technology with Instruction: One District's Experience" (John Newsom). Also included are questions for further study, name and subject indexes, information about membership in the National Society for the Study of Education, and Society publications. (SWC)
AnmerkungenUniversity of Chicago Press, Order Department, 11030 South Langley Ave., Chicago, IL 60628 ($28).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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