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Autor/inBrosio, Richard A.
TitelDiverse School Populations and the Corresponding Need for Multiple-Identity Coalitions.
Quelle(1997), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Cooperation; Cultural Differences; Democracy; Diversity (Student); Educational Change; Elementary Secondary Education; Empowerment; Equal Education; Ethnicity; Government Role; Multicultural Education; Racial Discrimination; Racial Identification; Sex Bias; Social Class
AbstractTo make public education more democratic and to move toward greater social justice and inclusivity, it is necessary to respect diversity, and to examine difference and identity in the contexts of materiality and social class. Social theory must be built to integrate racism and sexism with class relations and illuminate how oppressive structures are reproduced and can be changed. Rapidly changing demographics in schools and society suggest the need for changes in educational systems, and these changes should include improvements for those who have been oppressed. Safe multicultural frameworks have been proposed that marginalize or obscure the important issues of economic wealth and power underlying our society, but real educational reform must be driven by umbrella coalitions of adults who demand that the State as central government act on behalf of the democratic rather than the capitalist imperative. The new multiculturalism recognizes that education for democratic empowerment must get beyond a culturalist focus in order to challenge the real asymmetrical relations of power, privilege, access, and wealth. Educators must understand individual and complex identities in the contexts in which they operate. Multicultural education must be reconstructionist and must involve those who have been most affected by injustice and oppression. Consideration of the work of Nancy Fraser suggests that in the postsocialist era, social class is being replaced by group identity, such as nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, and sexuality. Real strategies for redistribution must consider all of these aspects of identity. Real empowerment must rest on multiple identity coalitions for education reform as well as other social reforms. (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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