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Autor/inn/enThompson, Bruce; Snyder, Patricia A.
TitelUse of Statistical Significance Tests and Reliability Analyses in Published Counseling Research.
Quelle(1997), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCounseling; Educational Research; Effect Size; Evaluation Methods; Reliability; Research Methodology; Research Reports; Scholarly Journals; Scores; Statistical Significance; Test Use
AbstractThe mission of the "Journal of Counseling and Development" (JCD) includes the attempt to serve as a "scholarly record of the counseling profession" and as part of the "conscience of the profession." This responsibility requires the willingness to engage in self-study. This study investigated two aspects of research practice in 25 quantitative studies reported in 1996 JCD issues, the use and interpretation of statistical significance tests, and the meaning of and ways of evaluating the score reliabilities of measures used in substantive research inquiry. Too many researchers have persisted in equating result improbability with result value, and too many have persisted in believing that statistical significance evaluates result replicability. In addition, too many researchers have persisted in believing that result improbability equals the magnitude of study effects. Authors must consistently begin to report and interpret effect sizes to aid the interpretations they make and those made by their readers. With respect to score reliability evaluation, more authors need to recognize that reliability inures to specific sets of scores and not to the test itself. Thirteen of the JCD articles involved reports of score reliability in previous studies and eight reported reliability coefficients for both previous scores and those in hand. These findings suggest some potential for improved practice in the quantitative research reported in JCD and improved editorial policies to support these changes. (Contains 39 references.) (SLD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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