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Autor/inCrawford, Karlan
InstitutionMissouri Univ., Columbia. Instructional Materials Lab.
TitelArea Vocational-Technical Learning Centers. A Guide to the Implementation and Operation of a Center for At-Risk Youth.
Quelle(1996), (72 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Career Counseling; Career Education; Career Guidance; Compensatory Education; Educationally Disadvantaged; Employment Potential; High Risk Students; Job Placement; Job Skills; Program Development; Program Implementation; Remedial Programs; Secondary Education; Student Placement; Vocational Education; Vocational Training Centers
AbstractThis handbook is designed to serve as a guide to the implementation of a center for at-risk youth. It provides information on available resources, a design for services, and sample forms necessary for the identification of at-risk youth. Section 1 describes the Missouri model for at-risk youth that emphasizes completion of graduation requirements and the acquisition of skills for employment. It covers prerequisites for participation, general information, program design, program success, academic credit, and student outcomes. Section 2 defines the programs that may be made available, including assessment and evaluation, educational attainment, guidance and counseling, career awareness and exploration, employment readiness, alternative completion programs, school to work, vocational skills training and job placement, inservice training, and advisory committee. Appendixes include a 14-item bibliography; lists of instructional texts, software, and resources recommended for learning centers; a state resources directory; list of alternative learning center sites; sample input, referral, agreement, and Individual Vocational Education Plan forms; glossary; the Missouri show-me standards, both knowledge and performance; and additional information such as lists of strategies for working with at-risk students, helpful techniques for working with at-risk students, and recommendations for the development of a program for at-risk students. (YLB)
AnmerkungenInstructional Materials Laboratory, University of Missouri, 8 London Hall, 2316 Industrial Drive, Columbia, MO 65202 (order no. 90-0096-I: $8; 800/669-2465;
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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