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Autor/inn/enLeMon, R. E.; Pitter, Gita Wijesinghe
InstitutionFlorida State Board of Regents, Tallahassee.
TitelStandardizing across Institutions: Now That We All Look Alike, What Do We Look Like?
Quelle(1996), (24 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBachelors Degrees; Change Agents; College Credits; College Students; College Transfer Students; Community Colleges; Degree Requirements; Degrees (Academic); Diversity (Institutional); Economic Factors; Educational Change; Educational Finance; Educational Legislation; Higher Education; State Legislation; State Standards; State Universities; Student Attitudes; Student Reaction; Transfer Policy; Tuition; Florida
AbstractThis paper discusses the implications of the enactment of legislation in Florida in 1995 mandating the standardization of requirements for baccalaureate degree programs within the state university system. The paper also describes the tools and methodology created by that state's university system for addressing the tasks of implementing the new requirements. These requirements mandate that all baccalaureate degree programs be reduced to 120 credit hours, that general education requirements be reduced at all state institutions to 36 hours, and that common degree program prerequisites be standardized, offered, and accepted by all of Florida's 9 public universities and 28 community colleges within 1 calendar year of enactment. A consequence of the new law is that course offerings, which may differ among state institutions, must be acceptable to all institutions with respect to transferability. This reduction in coursework and a pending tuition surcharge on hours taken beyond the degree requirements has met with generally negative assessments from students. The ultimate outcome of these changes is presently unclear. Appendices provide an inventory of bachelor's degree programs by credit hours to degree and a list of work templates for standardizing prerequisites. (CK)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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