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Autor/inn/enLucas, John A.; und weitere
InstitutionWilliam Rainey Harper Coll., Palatine, IL. Office of Planning and Research.
TitelFollow-Up Study of Recent Harper College Graduates--Focus on Evaluation of English Courses. Volume XXIV, Number 11.
Quelle(1995), (27 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBasic Skills; College English; College Graduates; Community Colleges; Followup Studies; Graduate Surveys; Outcomes of Education; Participant Satisfaction; Student Attitudes; Student Placement; Two Year Colleges
AbstractIn spring 1995, William Rainey Harper College in Illinois surveyed graduates from 1994 to determine their current status, the frequency with which they used cognitive skills, the degree to which they were prepared in the skills, and their evaluation of their placement in English courses. Of the 1,437 graduates from 1994, a random sample of 471 were surveyed, with 375 returning completed questionnaires. Study findings included the following: (1) for graduates who were transfer majors, 67.3% had transferred, 37.2% were employed full-time, and 27% were employed part-time; (2) for graduates who were career majors, 16.5% had transferred, 67.6% were employed full-time, and 18.6% were employed part-time; (3) of seven different cognitive skills listed in the survey, the most frequently used skill cited by students was problem-solving, while the only other skill that respondents reporting using more than occasionally was reading reports and books; (4) 60% took assessment tests and were placed directly into college-level English, 22% fulfilled their English requirements elsewhere, and only 10% were placed into remedial English; and (5) of those placed into remedial English, 7.6% felt it was a "waste of time" and 6.2% thought that it had helped them succeed. The survey instrument is appended. (BCY)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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