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Autor/inn/enOuston, Janet; und weitere
TitelSchool Improvement through School Inspection?
Quelle(1995), (29 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccountability; Audits (Verification); Educational Assessment; Educational Improvement; Educational Planning; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Inspection; Institutional Evaluation; Standards; United Kingdom
AbstractThe United Kingdom's 1992 Education Act established the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED), which was mandated to oversee an inspection system for all schools. This paper presents findings of a study that examined the extent to which the inspection process helped schools with their school-development planning. A survey was mailed to headteachers at 282 schools that had been inspected during the 1993 fall term. A total of 170 replies were received, a 60 percent response rate. Most headteachers said that the OFSTED inspection process had made a positive contribution to their schools' development. The data suggest that some tension existed between the OFSTED inspection-action plan and the school's own development plan. Headteachers at schools with some overlap between the OFSTED action plan and the school-development plan expressed positive views about the inspection process. Schools that had favorable experiences with the inspection process had involved their governing bodies and external advisors in formulating their inspection-action plans. Eight tables, a sample questionnaire, and survey data are included. (LMI)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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