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Autor/inWright, Pamela S.
TitelMadija Predicates.
Quelle(1995), (49 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAffixes; Foreign Countries; Linguistic Theory; Morphemes; Plurals; Syntax; Uncommonly Taught Languages; Verbs; Brazil; Peru
AbstractThis paper examines several previously-unexplained aspects of verbal morphology and syntax in Madija, an Arauan languages spoken in Peru and Brazil. These include the distribution of an auxiliary verb that occurs with some predicates but not with others and the factors that determine the choice among three different affixes marking third person agreement and three different affixes indicating a plural subject. Determination of gender and selection of the morpheme for plural subject agreement are also considered. Using the framework of Relational Grammar, a unified analysis of Madija predicate classes and verbal morphology is presented. This analysis provides further evidence for such proposals as the Unaccusative Hypothesis, P. M. Postal's proposed 1977 analysis for antipassive, the analysis of impersonal constructions as containing a dummy nominal, and the analysis of causatives as multipredicate clauses, along the lines of proposals by W. D. Davies and C. G. Rosen (1984). Findings of the analysis include a rule about the distribution of the auxiliary verb, a rule for person agreement and gender, and a rule for morpheme selection for plural subject agreement. (Contains 22 references.) (NAV)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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