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Autor/inBiller, Henry B.
TitelFathers and Families: Paternal Factors in Child Development.
Quelle(1993), (328 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Development; Child Rearing; Childhood Needs; Early Childhood Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Family Influence; Family Relationship; Family Role; Family Structure; Father Attitudes; Fathers; Parent Child Relationship; Parent Role
AbstractExamining the implications of research findings concerning the impact of paternal involvement in child development, this book elaborates on how variations in paternal involvement affect many different dimensions of child and parent development. The 12 chapters discuss the role of fathers in regard to: (1) the advantages of two-parent families; (2) the relationship that develops between father, mother, and infant; (3) the responsibility that fathers and mothers have to be equal partners in parenting; (4) the role of gender, individuality, and identity on child development; (5) nurturance, discipline, and morality; (6) intelligence and creativity; (7) family, school, and education; (8) assertiveness and independence; (9) body image, athletics, and fitness; (10) intimacy, sexuality, and social adjustment; (11) child and family problems; and (12) family, community, and society. Each chapter contains a list of cited sources for further reading. A 48-page bibliography follows the text. (MDM)
AnmerkungenGreenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, Westport, CT 06881 (hardcover, $59.95--ISBN-0-86569-208-4; paper, $19.95--ISBN-0-86569-227-0).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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