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Autor/inMallan, Kerry
InstitutionPrimary English Teaching Association, Newtown (Australia).
TitelLaugh Lines: Exploring Humour in Children's Literature. Literature Support Series.
Quelle(1993), (83 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Childhood Interests; Childrens Literature; Class Activities; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Humor; Literary Genres; Picture Books; Poetry; Preschool Education; Reading Interests; Recreational Reading
AbstractExploring the range and diversity of humorous literature for children, this book attempts to remedy the past neglect of children's humorous books by taking humor seriously. The first five chapters of the book discuss what children find funny and at what age, different kinds of humor found in children's literature, passages of humorous tone in otherwise serious books, picture book humor, and humorous verse. The sixth chapter consists of a brief historical overview of humorous literature for children. The seventh chapter provides teachers with a range of practical classroom activities which focus on the many facets of humor in children's literature. The bibliography lists 63 picture books, 44 books for younger readers (pre-school to nine years), 54 books for older readers (10 to 15 years), 55 books of verse, and 8 joke and riddle books. Contains 41 references. (RS)
AnmerkungenPublications, Primary English Teaching Association, Laura Street, Newtown, New South Wales, 2042, Australia.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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