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Autor/inLeue, Mary M.
TitelLooking for One's Shadow at Noon: Vol. II. Finding the Self in School and Community.
Quelle(1993), (173 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Anger; Curriculum Development; Economically Disadvantaged; Educational Trends; Elementary Education; Essays; Free Schools; Literacy Education; Nontraditional Education; School Community Relationship; New York (Albany)
AbstractThis volume contains a collection of essays, reflections, and other writings (many of which originally appeared in several journals) on the relations among self and school and community. The first selection is an obituary of Fritz Perls, a leader of Gestalt therapy. The second essay, "A Social and Political Reassessment of the Work of Wilhelm Reich Today," asks readers to step back and consider certain fundamental issues raised by his work. The next essay, "Reality and the Rose Curtain: Owning Your Anger," reflects on changes and trends in the Free School Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Following is another essay about that educational movement, "The Free School Controversy: A Letter from America" which offers reflections on community, the philosophy of education, and the nature of human relations. The next article, "Shoestring School," describes the Free School in Albany's South End (New York), a poor mixed Italian and Black neighborhood. A more formal history of the Free School follows, including many photographs of the teachers and students. "The Free School Community" offers reflections on the nature and rewards of the community that has grown up around that school. The final essay "The Pursuit of Literacy" argues for the importance of literacy in education and for democratic society. (JB)
AnmerkungenDown-to-Earth Books, 72 Philip St., Albany, NY 12202 ($7.95; $8.95 Canadian; or 10.95 British pounds).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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