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Autor/inWarner, Rachel
InstitutionMinority Rights Group, London (England).
TitelBangladesh Is My Motherland. A Case Study of Bengali and English Language Development and Use among a Group of Bengali Pupils in Britain.
Quelle(1992), (33 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBengali; Bilingualism; Case Studies; Classroom Observation Techniques; English (Second Language); Foreign Countries; Grade 11; High School Students; High Schools; Immigrants; Interviews; Language Attitudes; Language Research; Language Role; Second Language Learning; Uncommonly Taught Languages; Bangladesh; United Kingdom (Great Britain)
AbstractA study of 23 secondary school students in year 11 at a British comprehensive school investigated students' feelings about English and Bengali, their native language, their language learning history, how they had developed English language skills in a predominantly Bengali-speaking community, how they had maintained and developed their Bengali, and to what extent a switch to English was occurring. The school's and teachers' responses to their bilingualism in such a homogeneous cultural situation, and student's perceptions of these responses, were also explored. Research was carried out through classroom observation and interviews with 11 of the subjects. Results are reported in the form of excerpts from interviews, with accompanying narrative and conclusions. Implications for teacher education, classroom instruction, school language policy, and guidance are summarized. Appended materials include characteristics of four English language-learning stages, the transcript of a conversation with four students, and samples of student writing in English lessons. (MSE)
AnmerkungenMinority Rights Group, 379 Brixton Road, London SW9, 7DE, England, United Kingdom.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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