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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enKirkpatrick, Thomas; Sappe', Hoyt
InstitutionGeorgia Univ., Athens. Div. of Vocational Education.
TitelSheet Metal Contract. Project Report Phase I with Research Findings.
Quelle(1989), (33 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAssembly (Manufacturing); Competency Based Education; Curriculum Development; Educational Equipment; Educational Research; Educational Resources; Instructional Materials; Job Analysis; Job Skills; Machine Tool Operators; Machine Tools; Metal Working; Occupational Information; Postsecondary Education; Program Design; Program Development; Sheet Metal Work; Statewide Planning; Task Analysis; Technical Education; Trade and Industrial Education; Georgia
AbstractThis report provides results of Phase I of a project that researched the occupational area of sheet metal, established appropriate committees, and conducted task verification. These results are intended to guide development of a program designed to train sheet metal workers. Section 1 contains general information: purpose of Phase I; description of the occupation, including nature of work, working conditions, and related occupations; direction of the occupation, including employment, training and other qualifications, advancement, job outlook, and earnings; program development committee; areas of concern; and State Technical Committee developmental recommendations. Section 2 presents research findings: accreditation and certification; list of typical job titles; and appropriate trade resources and sources, including references and textbooks, audiovisuals, curriculum materials, periodicals, safety manual, shop safety signs, and sources of additional information. A verified occupational duty and task list is comprised of six duties: read blueprints, lay out sheet metal, fabricate mechanical systems, fabricate architectural/roofing sheet metal, fabricate food service sheet metal products, install mechanical systems, and install architectural/roofing sheet metal. Other contents include a tools and equipment list, list of contents of standard tool kit, and staff and facilities recommendations. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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