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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enO'Rourke, Anne; Philips, David
InstitutionNew Zealand Council for Educational Research, Wellington.
TitelResponding Effectively to Pupils' Writing. Writing Research Report No. 2.
Quelle(1989), (274 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterClassroom Environment; Classroom Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Process Approach (Writing); Teacher Effectiveness; Teacher Student Relationship; Writing Evaluation; Writing Improvement; Writing Instruction; Writing Research; New Zealand
AbstractA study (part of the New Zealand Writing Project) investigated how teachers respond effectively to their students' writing. Several related issues were investigated, including whether "good" teachers of writing at various levels differ in approach and techniques used, and which practices bring about improvement at different ages. Twenty-four teachers (approximately five each from five grades across primary and secondary levels) chosen through a several-stage selection process were closely observed in action over a school term, and transcripts, school schemes, observation notes, and samples of writing were collected. All classroom activity from the initiation of a writing task through to its completion, including teacher feedback on the final written outcome, was observed. Data were analyzed into the following categories: (1) teachers' views of or approaches to writing; (2) classroom management; (3) the writing process; (4) conferencing techniques; (5) publication; (6) evaluation; and (7) assistance and intervention. Results organized according to these categories are discussed in detail for each of the five primary or secondary levels studied. It is concluded that all the teachers shared a considerable similarity in emphasis in the positive way they responded to their pupil's writing, but that further research is needed, particularly on the problems that occur in relation to the teaching and learning of writing when pupils transfer from teacher to teacher, from class to class, from school to school, and from one sector of the education system to another. Seventeen references are dispersed throughout the report. Eight appendixes include interview questions, background information and questionnaire, classroom observation guide, student observation record, supplementary questions for classroom observation guide, additional items of information for participants, summary sheet, and a list of teachers observed. (SR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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