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Autor/inn/enThomas, Robert J.; Rhodes, Paula
InstitutionDevelopment Assistance Corp., Dover, NH.
TitelIndustry-Based Bilingual Vocational Training. A Directory of Industry-Based Training Programs for LEP Adults.
Quelle(1990), (114 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterNachschlagewerk; Adult Basic Education; Adult Education; Community Education; Cooperative Programs; Employer Employee Relationship; Industrial Training; Labor Force Development; Language Proficiency; Limited English Speaking; School Business Relationship; Second Language Learning; Special Needs Students; Vocational English (Second Language); Workplace Literacy
AbstractThe purposes of this directory of existing industry-based training programs--for limited English-proficient (LEP) adults employed in those industries--are as follows: (1) to provide a sense of the types of existing industry-based programs available to LEP employees; (2) to identify programs with the potential of implementing bilingual vocational training (BVT) models; and (3) to provide a listing for the promotion of the BVT model in workplace settings. Programs were identified through telephone contacts. Of the 94 programs listed in the directory, most are partnerships between companies and public programs. The most common types of partnerships with companies are as follows: 33 with public school adult basic education (ABE) centers; 19 with community-based organizations (CBOs); 16 with community colleges or vocational technical schools; and 9 with college or university adult English-as-a-second-language (ESL) centers. Nineteen states are represented in the program descriptions. Each program description includes the following information: educational agency partner; company name and address; program title; program director or contact person; brief description of the program; duration, training cycles, and number of trainees; ethnic and language groups served; and starting date and project continuation. The fluid nature of the directory is stressed. (CML)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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