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Autor/inFord, Jerry
InstitutionHouston Baptist Univ., TX.
TitelHouston Baptist University Academic Advising Handbook: 1989-90.
Quelle(1989), (130 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Academic Advising; Church Related Colleges; Educational Counseling; Faculty Advisers; Higher Education; Student Educational Objectives
AbstractThis 1989-90 edition of the Houston Baptist University (Texas) Academic Advising Handbook presents guidelines, resources, and university information pertinent to the advising function. Section 1 contains research data concerning academic advising as well as definitions of advising, and a discussion of rules and functions of academic advisors, behavioral objectives, and limitations of academic advising. Section 2 is a collection of various lists, resource materials, and articles covering such topics as responsibilities of the advisor and advisee, advisement strategies, student misbehavior, advising students with personal problems, study tips, low achieving students, time planning, and listening skills. The third section contains information pertaining to specific University departments and regulations including English placement guidelines, guidelines for advising international students, guidelines for advising music students, advising the student athlete, convocation policies, and evaluating advisors. A bibliography contains 57 references. The appendixes include advising tables for Christianity, English, History, Mathematics, and Natural Science and answers to common registration and grading questions. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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