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Autor/inn/enHummel, Thomas J.; Robinson, Judith A.
TitelThe Application of Artificial Intelligence to Human Resource Development. A Case Study in the Development of a Rule-Based Expert System for Performance Analysis and Development Planning.
Quelle(1989), (18 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterComputer Assisted Instruction; Computer Software; Expert Systems; Instructional Design; Instructional Development; Labor Force Development; Management Development; Postsecondary Education; Sales Workers; School Business Relationship; Staff Development
AbstractIn 1984, the University of Minnesota's College of Education and Wilson Learning Corporation created the Alliance for Learning to support a variety of research projects focused on developing new areas of knowledge about adult learning and new technologies for delivering training and education. This paper describes an Alliance project exploring the application of expert systems in the area of sales and sales management. The first part of the project involved the development of an expert system shell that would allow maximum flexibility and provide the capability to address a wide variety of individual performance issues. The second part involved developing a knowledge base derived from Wilson sales training materials and sales management subject matter experts. The outcome of the project was the development of an experimental expert system called "The Sales Coach." It is designed as a tool to allow sales managers to assess the individual needs of their sales staff and generate individualized development plans for improving performance. While the existing knowledge base represents generic Wilson sales training content, it is highly tailorable, allowing for complete customization. This document describes: (1) the research perspective that influenced the design of the shell and the knowledge base; (2) the method used to develop both; (3) the specific features of the resulting system; and (4) the significance of the system in the larger context of education and training in business and industry. Samples of computer screens from the expert system are included. (GL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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