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Autor/inn/enTatel, David S.; Mincberg, Elliot M.
InstitutionHogan & Hartson, Washington, DC.
TitelThe 1988-89 Term of the U.S. Supreme Court and Its Impact on Public Schools.
Quelle(1989), (43 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterRecht; Affirmative Action; Court Litigation; Educational Finance; Educational Legislation; Elementary Secondary Education; Federal Courts; Freedom of Speech; Public Schools; Religion; School Desegregation; School Law; Special Education
AbstractIn its 1988-89 term, the Supreme Court, dominated by a conservative 5-4 majority made possible by the addition of Justice Kennedy, issued a number of decisions of significance to school districts. These decisions of the Supreme Court's 1988-89 term are summarized in this study and organized by subject matter into five sections: (1) civil rights in the context of employment and other liability-related issues; (2) special education; (3) freedom of speech and religion issues; (4) school desegregation; and (5) school finance-related issues. In each section, the key cases decided by the Court, the lower court decisions the Court declined to review and, where relevant, decisions scheduled for review in the 1989-90 term, are summarized. A list of 55 cases discussed, including case citations, is presented at the end of the summary. (SI)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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