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Autor/inAnderson, Ronald D.
InstitutionColorado Univ., Boulder. School of Education.
TitelUniversity of Colorado Teacher Education Development-Demonstration Project: Final Project Report.
Quelle(1988), (71 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdmission Criteria; Demonstration Programs; Experiential Learning; Graduate Study; Higher Education; Peer Relationship; Problem Based Learning; Program Evaluation; Student Characteristics; Student Teaching; Teacher Education; Tutorial Programs
AbstractOne of the significant aspects of the experimental, problem-based teacher education program described in this report is the selection of students who have completed a bachelors degree with a major in an appropriate teaching field, have had three or more years of work experience in addition to their college degree, and who exhibit an acceptable level of relevant competencies and characteristics. The program (commonly known as PROBE) requires students to participate for one academic year of study in a full-time integrated program of study and school experience. When the students are not engaged in student teaching, the majority of their work is organized around study in a tutorial group. When the student teaching experience is completed, students engage in more intensive study and reflection. This final report contains several facets: (1) major questions addressed in the assessment of the program; (2) a description of the program and its several components; (3) a sample upon which the assessment is based; (4) the methodology used in the assessment; (5) instrumentation used in the assessment; (6) results and findings; (7) discussion of the results; and (8) implications for improving teacher education. The appendices contain selected portions of an ethnographic assessment of the program, a practice profile, and a discussion of reflectivity in the progam. (JD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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