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Autor/inund weitere
Sonst. PersonenDeever, R. Merwin (Hrsg.)
InstitutionArizona State Univ., Tempe. Center for Indian Education.
TitelAmerican Indian Education.
Quelle(1974), (232 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAlaska Natives; American Indian Culture; American Indian Education; American Indian History; American Indian Languages; American Indian Literature; American Indian Reservations; American Indian Studies; American Indians; Cross Cultural Studies; Educational History; Elementary Secondary Education; Program Descriptions; Self Determination; Tribes
AbstractThis is a collection of articles selected from the Journal of American Indian Education, volumes 1 through 13 (January 1961-June 1974). The anthology comprises 28 articles interspersed with art and poetry. The material falls into two sections, titled "Education" and "Culture and History." The first section includes 12 articles dealing with educational issues from a teaching or educational research point of view. The second section includes 16 articles whose central theme expresses the cultrual or historical implications for education of a particular situation. Articles in the first section include descriptions of Indian education programs in the American Southwest, and specific projects among the Navajo, Apache, Seminole, and Chippewa (Ojibwe) peoples. Articles in the second section focus on cultural materials for schools, tribal customs, attitudes, language education, and Alaska Natives. An appendix includes brief biographical notes on each author represented in the anthology. (TES)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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