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Autor/inn/enTownsend, Kenneth; Webb, Patrick
InstitutionCharlotte-Mecklenburg Public Schools, Charlotte, NC.
TitelThe Economic, Legal, and Political Systems in Action, #4006. Ninth Grade, Required Semester, Social Studies Curriculum.
Quelle(1983), (39 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Curriculum Development; Curriculum Guides; Economics; Government (Administrative Body); Government Role; Grade 9; Integrated Activities; Interdisciplinary Approach; Junior High Schools; Law Related Education; Resource Units; Social Studies; Unified Studies Curriculum; Units of Study
AbstractThis course is designed to provide ninth grade students with a basic understanding of the U.S. political, legal, and economic systems and includes the purpose of government, the need for law within society, the framework of the U.S. legal system, the processes used by the U.S. government and citizens to accomplish goals, and the roles of individuals within these systems. The curriculum guide is divided into two sections that feature: (1) the political and legal systems; and (2) the economic system. A topical outline, suggested textbooks, stated objectives with related learning activities and textbook references, and the content scope and competency goals are provided for each section. A chart is included that presents information about the economics portion of the course in terms of unit name, goal, outline, and objectives. (JHP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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