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Autor/inn/enKerber, Kenneth W.; Campbell, James P.
TitelExpectations, Commitment, and Withdrawal Cognitions among New Employees.
Quelle(1986), (33 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterEmployee Attitudes; Employees; Employer Employee Relationship; Expectation; Job Satisfaction; Labor Turnover; Longitudinal Studies; Models; Morale; Organizational Climate; Organizational Development; Organizational Theories; Quality of Working Life; Work Attitudes; Work Environment
AbstractRecent research on organizational turnover has concentrated on testing models of the turnover decision process, in particular, Mobley's (1977) model of employee turnover. The present research was based on Mobley's theoretical work and the subsequent empirical tests of his model. Employees (N=266) at a large computer company completed a questionnaire during their first year of employment that assessed 10 variables related to Mobley's model. Results of a path analysis were consistent with a causal model in which perceptions of work events influence job attitudes which then influence withdrawal cognitions. Specifically, higher job complexity increased job satisfaction, while undermet job expectations reduced satisfaction. Met job expectations and higher job satisfaction resulted in stronger commitment to the organization. Stronger commitment reduced thoughts of quitting. Fewer thoughts of quitting decreased the intention to search which, in turn, decreased the intention to quit. This study is part of a longitudinal study in which the same employees will respond to a similar questionnaire one year after initial administration. Ultimately, the study is concerned about changes that occur among employees who stay with the company and about the variables that predict voluntary organizational turnover. (Author/ABL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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