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Autor/inn/enBarabe, Rosemeri; und weitere
InstitutionAffiliation of Arizona Indian Centers, Inc., Phoenix.
TitelPATHWAYS: An Adult Basic Skills Writing Workbook, Level II. Teacher's Guide.
Quelle(1987), (64 Seiten)
PDF als Volltext kostenfreie Datei Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adult Basic Education; Adult Education; American Indian Culture; American Indian Education; Capitalization (Alphabetic); Course Content; Course Objectives; Grammar; Literacy Education; Paragraph Composition; Punctuation; Reading Instruction; Reading Skills; Relevance (Education); Sentence Structure; Sequential Approach; Spelling; Supplementary Reading Materials; Teaching Guides; Teaching Methods; Units of Study; Writing Instruction; Writing Skills
AbstractDeveloped to facilitate the teaching/learning process, this teacher's guide corresponds to the Adult Basic Education (ABE) Writing Skills Workbook Level II, and may be used as an answer book, as well as a reference manual. It contains concise explanations of the various skills presented, suggested teaching strategies, answers to workbook exercises, and a list of available commercial materials (with specific pages cited) that may be used to supplement the materials. The guide covers seven units: parts of speech, sentence structure, paragraph development, punctuation, capitalization, practical writing and spelling. Answers to the unit post-tests are also given, as well as a preface to the teachers, and a brief summary of what is to be found in the reading and writing workbooks, and how they are organized. (JMM)
AnmerkungenAffiliation of Arizona Indian Centers, Inc., 2721 North Central Avenue, Suite 814, Phoenix, AZ 85004 ($4.95 plus shipping and handling).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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