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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inKarweit, Nancy L.
InstitutionCenter for Research on Elementary and Middle Schools, Baltimore, MD.
TitelFull or Half Day Kindergarten--Does It Matter? Report No. 11.
Quelle(1987), (55 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComparative Analysis; Disadvantaged Youth; Enrichment; High Risk Students; Kindergarten; Literature Reviews; Program Effectiveness; Time Factors (Learning)
AbstractPart of the Effective Programs for Students At Risk project, this study examines research findings concerning program effects on students attending either full-day or half-day kindergartens. Through use of the best-evidence synthesis technique, the study categorizes existing studies in terms of their methodological rigor and assigns most importance to the studies which are more rigorous. Findings indicate that under-achieving and disadvantaged students benefit from the additional instruction provided in full-day programs, but the benefits are found only on short-term measures. Disadvantaged students receiving additional instruction were the primary source of positive effects. No long-term effects were demonstrated. The synthesis suggests that the added time gained in a full-day program may be valuable to disadvantaged students, but the type of instructional program provided may be even more important. It is concluded that future research should examine what types of kindergarten instructional programs are most effective for disadvantaged students. (Author/RH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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