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Autor/inPolanski, Virginia G.
TitelThe Buddy System: A Step toward More Reliable Grading.
Quelle(1987), (13 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; College Freshmen; Cooperation; Evaluation Methods; Freshman Composition; Grading; Higher Education; Inservice Teacher Education; Teacher Student Relationship; Writing Evaluation; Writing Instruction
AbstractDesigned to help teachers in writing programs collaborate to reach a consensus on grading standards for freshman essays, the "Buddy System" was instituted on a voluntary basis at a Pennsylvania college with an English department with a traditional literature orientation. To participate, the instructors were required: (1) to choose at least one buddy; (2) to design a writing assignment together; (3) to give this assignment to the classes of all the instructors involved; (4) to determine primary traits together; (5) to choose papers at random; (6) to rank papers by letter grade; (7) to discuss and record distinguishing features as secondary traits; (8) to divide total papers so that each paper would be read by two raters; (9) to discuss papers on which the raters disagreed; and (10) to fill out a form about the process. Eighty-five percent of the faculty participated, including teaching assistants and adjunct and senior faculty. Participants at all levels of experience reported that they all learned about their grading idiosyncracies, and even senior faculty continued to use their "buddies" as consultants in grading questionable papers. Using the "Buddy System" helped to even out grade distribution in the department and reduced the number of students dropping courses taught by "hard" graders. Other benefits are that the program encourages instructors to view writing as a social act and become aware of the legitimacy of different writing styles, and that it encourages faculty at different levels to work together in a non-threatening environment. (SKC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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