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Autor/inFerguson, Lucy Rau
TitelFamily Interaction Predictors of Competence in Late Adolescence.
Quelle(1987), (29 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Academic Achievement; Adolescents; Competence; Family Environment; Intelligence; Interpersonal Relationship; Longitudinal Studies; Parent Child Relationship; Parent Influence; Parents as Teachers; Predictor Variables; Preschool Children; Problem Solving; Sex Differences
AbstractMeasures of family interaction from the preschool and early adolescent periods are examined as predictors of competence in late adolescence. Data on which this report is based are drawn from a longitudinal study initiated by Jack and Jeanne Block almost 20 years ago which included 51 males and 52 females. Measures of competence include an intelligence quotient, high school grade point average, and indices of ego-resilience and identity achievement derived from the California Q-sort. Mother-child and father-child interaction at the child's fifth year of age, in four problem solving tasks, were rated using the Teaching Strategies Q-sort. The family interaction Q-sort assessed mother-child, father-child, and spousal interaction in problem solving at the children's thirteenth year. Preschool mother-child interaction had long-term predictive significance for intelligence and ego-development in late adolescence. Father-child interaction was unrelated to intelligence in either sex, and predicted ego-development only for males. Early father-child interaction predicted achievement, especially among males. Correlates of girls' grade point average show discontinuity between beginning and end of high school. Interaction with same-sex parent in dyadic situations was more predictive of later competence, while influence of opposite-sex parent emerged in triadic situations. Spousal interaction was strongly associated with girls' intelligence quotient and boys' achievement. (RH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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