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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenDoble, Gordon (Hrsg.); Griffiths, Brian T. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionCentre for Information on Language Teaching and Research, London (England).
TitelOral Skills in the Modern Languages Degree. Proceedings of a Conference at the University of Bradford (Bradford, England, January 3-6, 1984).
Quelle(1985), (242 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Audiolingual Skills; Audiovisual Aids; Classroom Techniques; College Second Language Programs; College Students; Communicative Competence (Languages); Computer Assisted Instruction; Curriculum Design; Educational Objectives; Educational Strategies; Foreign Countries; German; Higher Education; Interpretive Skills; Language Laboratories; Listening Skills; Modern Languages; Oral Language; Satellite Facilities; Second Language Instruction; Speech Skills; Study Abroad; Teaching Assistants; Testing; Translation; Undergraduate Study
AbstractThe conference proceedings include the opening address, plenary session papers, workshop reports, a final forum and address, and the conference program and participant list. The plenary session papers include: "What Are We Doing in Modern Languages Today?"; "Communicative Skills and the Modern Languages Degree"; "The Place of Spoken Language in the Hierarchy of Language Skills"; "An Analytical Approach to the Teaching of Spoken German"; "Towards a Pedagogic Theory of Interpreting"; "The Ear Has Its Reasons--Interpreting and the Modern Languages Curriculum"; "Language Performance, Context, and the Personality of the Interpreter"; "The Evaluation of Oral/Aural Skills within the BA Finals Examination"; and "Has the Language Laboratory a Place in the Undergraduate Course?" Workshop topics include: modern languages curriculum design; oral/aural versus oral/written exercises; audio and video independent study courses; computer-based independent study and testing; satellite television for Russian and French study; balancing oral and written language; minority languages; exploiting video resources; conference interpreting; word-processing and advanced translation; oral language change; interpreting as a language-learning activity; teaching assistants; spontaneous expression methodology; language laboratories; study abroad; testing; the use of linguists; and field recording of materials. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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