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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enBurns, Robert B.; Lash, Andrea A.
InstitutionFar West Lab. for Educational Research and Development, San Francisco, CA.
TitelA Study of Teachers' Planning and Delivery of Problem-Solving Instruction in Seventh Grade Mathematics: Appendices. Final Report.
Quelle(1984), (186 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterClassroom Observation Techniques; Educational Research; Grade 7; Interviews; Junior High Schools; Mathematics Instruction; Mathematics Teachers; Problem Solving; Reference Materials; Research Methodology
AbstractThis document contains the appendices to a study of problem-solving instruction. In Appendix A are sample instruments for the teacher problem-solving interview and instructional planning interview, the teacher post-study interview, coversheet for narrative notes and narrative notepad page, rating form for the lesson rating instrument, lesson segments summary sheet, questionnaire for teacher's perceptions of today's lesson, classroom description instrument, and teacher planning questionnaire. Appendix B presents the observer's manual, providing detailed methodological information. Sections focus on an overview of the study, completing narrative reports, the lesson rating instrument, the lesson segments summary sheet, perceptions of today's lesson, and data collection procedures. Interview excerpts are found in Appendix C, with sections on problem-solving views, planning process, plans for the problem-solving unit, and post-study problem-solving unit views. (MNS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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