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Autor/inHarrison, Cheryl
InstitutionERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, Columbus, OH.
TitelManaging Disruptive Student Behavior in Adult Basic Education. Overview. ERIC Digest No. 54.
Quelle(1986), (3 Seiten)
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ReiheERIC Publications; ERIC Digests in Full Text
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Adult Students; Age Differences; Behavior Problems; Classroom Techniques; Developmental Stages; Discipline; Student Behavior; Student Characteristics; Student Needs; Young Adults
AbstractDisruptive behavior, which can range from tardiness to violence against classmates or staff members, is a growing problem in adult basic education (ABE). Many feel that this is because ABE programs have begun serving young adults below the age of 18 who are quite different from their more mature classmates both psychologically and emotionally. Five basic techniques that ABE instructors can use to minimize classroom disruption in a positive manner are (1) communicating that the teacher is aware of everything occurring within the room; (2) demonstrating smoothness, both within a lesson and in transitions between lessons; (3) altering groups frequently and holding groups accountable for their own learning; (4) arousing challenges; and (5) providing seat work variety and challenge. The instructionally effective program is not only academically successful, but safe as well, and the key to an instructionally effective school is a committed, active leader. ABE programs can change in a way that limits disruptive student behavior. The commitment to change must be headed by a strong academic and disciplinary leader, and staff cooperation is vital. Even if age segregation of students is not deemed necessary, educators must still be sensitive to the different stages of adulthood and must learn how to address the distinctive concerns of each age group of adult students served by a particular program. (MN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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