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Autor/inLindenau, Suzanne E.
TitelTools of the Trade: Video and Languages for Business and the Professions.
Quelle(1985), (21 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Business Administration Education; Class Activities; Classroom Environment; Classroom Techniques; Curriculum Development; Equipment Evaluation; Higher Education; Languages for Special Purposes; Professional Training; Second Language Instruction; Student Developed Materials; Student Evaluation; Student Motivation; Teacher Role; Videotape Recordings
AbstractStudent production of videotape recordings for teaching commercial foreign language is a means of engaging students in the learning process, providing ample opportunity for active use of the commercial target language (CTL) in a wide range of contexts, promoting the integration of cultural understanding in CTL communicative behaviors, and improving the objectivity and emphasis of evaluation. Videotape technology is generally accessible, user-friendly, and familiar in higher education, and although equipment may be costly, it is also cost-effective. The classroom must often be restructured for student video production, and faculty and administrative resistance to removing the spotlight from teacher-centered instruction may need to be overcome. Curriculum planning for CTL student-developed video instruction involves designing general and specific learning objectives, outlining teaching strategies, selecting student activities from a variety of options that emphasize target language communication, and defining the teacher's role. Teacher evaluation of the video production process and product leads to reshooting and re-evaluation by the teacher and students for evidence of improvement. Experimental use of this technique can lead to rich learning experiences. (MSE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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