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Autor/inn/enGreene, Myrna; Lahti, Mel
TitelA Study of Teachers Who Leave the Teaching Profession.
Quelle(1984), (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Change; Career Choice; Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; Labor Turnover; Predictor Variables; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Characteristics; Teacher Education; Teacher Persistence; Canada
AbstractA 1983 survey of graduates with bachelor's degrees in education from the University of Lethbridge in Canada indicated that almost 3 in 10 had left or never entered the teaching profession. This pilot study examined test and questionnaire response data for 177 former students out of 1,809 who had received a B.Ed. degree since 1972. Of these respondents, 21 submitted to telephone interviews including questions concerning attitudes toward career success. The researchers used statistical analysis to seek variables discriminating between teachers and non-teachers. Of those teaching, 78 percent planned to continue teaching. Half of the non-teachers indicated interest in returning to teaching. The findings suggested that women were more likely to leave teaching temporarily but that neither sex was more likely to leave permanently. The reasons for leaving did differ by sex: women cited staying home and men cited career or job changes as major reasons. The academic abilities of teachers and non-teachers were similar. Personality characteristics accounted for only a small percentage of the variance between the groups. Measures of attitudes toward career success showed the teachers more concerned with salaries and autonomy and less with personal satisfaction and opportunities for advancement than non-teachers. (PGD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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