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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inGoldenberg, Claude N.
TitelLow-Income Hispanic Parents' Contributions to the Reading Achievement of Their First-Grade Children.
Quelle(1984), (53 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Case Studies; Expectation; Family Characteristics; Grade 1; Hispanic Americans; Lower Class Parents; Lower Class Students; Mexican Americans; Parent Aspiration; Parent Influence; Parent Participation; Parent Student Relationship; Parent Teacher Cooperation; Primary Education; Reading Achievement; Reading Failure; Reading Improvement
AbstractCase studies were used to explore parents' role in first-grade reading success of nine at-risk, low-income, Hispanic students in a small, predominantly Hispanic school district in Southern California. Refuting the theory that low achievement results from differences between home and school norms and values, the study found that all 15 parents valued educational achievement, were very interested in their children's progress, believed that achievement came through individual effort and persistence, were willing to help their children at home, responded to teacher suggestions of ways to help, and attended parent-teacher conferences. The study concluded that the key to effective parent involvement in reading success was steady, consistent help with reading curriculum at home. Family socioeconomic status, demographic characteristics, parental reading habits, and parents' attitudes toward children's academic achievement bore no relationship to reading success. Participant and non-participant observations, bilingual interviews with parents, teachers, and students, teacher rating scales, and decoding and word-recognition tests were used to explain children's varying first-grade reading achievement outcomes. Suggestions for parent involvement included teaching directly, reading to the child, reading games, and help in developing oral language abilities. Tables provide data on family characteristics and expectations and a form for teacher rating of attention and effort. (LFL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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