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Autor/inKoltai, Leslie
InstitutionCenter for the Study of Community Colleges, Los Angeles, CA.
TitelLACCD Establishes Recruitment Committee to Stave Off Major Enrollment Decline. CSCC Bulletin #16.
Quelle(1985) 16, (6 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Community Colleges; Declining Enrollment; Multicampus Districts; Student Recruitment; Two Year College Students; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThe fall 1984 implementation of tuition in California's community colleges created the need for aggressive strategies to counter the anticipated, major enrollment decline. For the Los Angeles Community College District (LACCD), those strategies involved a new campaign incorporating districtwide and campus-oriented events, as well as the establishment of a District Recruitment Committee. The districtwide campaign involved radio, television, and newspaper announcements designed to provide information about financial assistance, tuition waivers, and the LACCD academic calendar. The campaign sought to provide broad market coverage while still targeting the traditional college-age person. Campaign results for summer 1984 included 4,654 requests for enrollment information and the distribution of 6,544 college class schedules. Community surveys assessing the effectiveness of various efforts indicated that newspapers were the most widely used medium for obtaining information on educational opportunities. Recruitment efforts at the nine LACCD campuses varied in number and scope according to each school. Each campus established a recruitment/marketing committee and undertook activities such as the provision of information booths on campus, campus tours, the creation of Spanish-language registration materials, the sponsorship of high school career days, and the development of a "telephone tree" to contact continuing and prospective students. The recruitment activities at the LACCD have minimized the enrollment decline and promoted a pervasive atmosphere of teamwork. (AYC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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