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Autor/inn/enEdinger, Jack D.; Vosk, Barbara N.
TitelThe Clinical Validity of the MMPI-168.
Quelle(1983), (14 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterComparative Testing; Diagnostic Tests; Interrater Reliability; Personality Measures; Predictive Validity; Psychologists; Screening Tests; Test Validity; Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
AbstractOf the many short forms of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) that have been developed, the MMPI-168 is among the most promising. To determine whether clinical judgments based on the MMPI-168 are comparable to judgments based on the standard MMPI, 30 clinical psychologists participated in a randomized block, repeated treatment design. Clinicians were randomly matched in 15 pairs; clinicians within each pair were given the MMPI data from the same three patients and asked to rate these patients using the 18 items of the Overall and Gorham (1962) Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale and to decide upon their diagnosis. For one patient, both clinicians within a pair received MMPI profiles based on the full MMPI. For the second patient, one clinician received a standard MMPI profile while the other received an MMPI-168 profile. For the third patient, both clinicians were given MMPI-168 profiles. This design was replicated across all 15 clinician pairs and no two pairs were given data from the same patients. In general, results suggested that predictions of symptom severity derived from the short and standard form were comparable. However, the findings also suggested a sufficient level of discordance between MMPI-168 derived diagnosis and diagnoses derived from the standard form. Thus, equivalence of the short and standard forms for diagnostic work remains questionable. (Author/JAC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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