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Autor/inHagtvet, Knut A.
TitelA Construct Validation Study of Test Anxiety: A Discriminant Validation of Fear of Failure, Worry, and Emotionality.
Quelle(1982), (33 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Failure; Emotional Response; Fear; Foreign Countries; Grade 9; High School Students; Performance Factors; Student Reaction; Test Anxiety; Validity; Norway
AbstractThe study tested a hypothesized three-dimensional structure of test anxiety involving the constructs of fear of failure, emotionality, and worry. The discriminant validity of these three constructs was studied. Uninformed students were told about a mathematics test in a lesson just prior to administration. They were compared to informed students who were advised a week in advance of the test administration. The findings supported the existence of worry and emotionality as response factors separate from fear of failure. Fear of failure is concerned with the individual's tendency to anticipate negative effects in achievement situations. Worry is a cognitive concern, characterized by self-focusing. Emotionality refers to the tendency of experiencing actual autonomic arousal and unpleasant states such as nervousness and tension. The interfering effects of fear of failure and emotionality on test performance were weakened in the informed condition; impact of the worry factor was most evident in the informed condition. The individual's performance expectancy is related to worry and less strongly to emotionality. The results of the study suggested that common testing procedures activate fear of failure, emotionality, and worry. Performance decrements seem most closely related to the cognitively oriented worry factor. (DWH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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