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Autor/inManson, Gary
TitelObjectives for Geographic Education: Results of a State By State Survey.
Quelle(1982), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Educational Objectives; Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Geography Instruction; State of the Art Reviews; State Surveys
AbstractThis report examines objectives for geographic education recently developed by 6 of the 50 states. The objectives reviewed come from the states of North Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. These states were selected because there was evidence of recent and intensive effort to develop relatively explicit objectives for geographic education. Therefore, an analysis of these objectives should provide some insight into current ideas about geography in the schools. Only knowledge and skill objectives were analyzed. Two limitations to the study are acknowledged: (1) data from the six states, selected as they were, do not permit generalizations about all the states and (2) some geographers would disagree with the content classification scheme used in the study. Findings and conclusions include the following. Differences among the objectives for geographic education in the six states are striking. For example, more than half of the objectives from Utah and Virginia fall into the information processing category, while less than 10% of South Dakota's are so classified. Twenty-five percent of Wisconsin's objectives concern earth science/physical environment, but in North Carolina that category contains only one percent of the objectives. Overall, judging by these objectives, precollegiate geographic education is a composite of information processing, area studies, and to a lesser extent, man-land geography. Much less attention is given to physical geography, problem solving, and the spatial tradition. It is concluded that precollegiate geographic education lacks suitable guidelines and criteria for developing and evaluating objectives. (RM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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