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Autor/inZammuto, Raymond F.
TitelOrganizational Correlates of Decline: Some Preliminary Analyses. ASHE Annual Meeting 1982 Paper.
Quelle(1982), (37 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrative Policy; College Administration; College Programs; Comparative Analysis; Declining Enrollment; Enrollment Trends; Financial Support; Higher Education; Organizational Theories; Predictor Variables; Private Colleges; Resource Allocation; Retrenchment; State Colleges; Trend Analysis
AbstractThe roles of organizational slack, flexibility, and variety are considered with respect to the incidence of growth, stability, and decline in college and university enrollments and revenues from 1975 to 1979. Slack refers to the resources possessed by an organization beyond those needed for the most efficient possible level of operation. Flexibility focuses on the ability of an organization to redirect the use of resources in the short-run, and variety refers to the degree of institutional diversity in programs and revenue sources. Using data from the Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) for 2,713 schools, the schools were classified according to whether their enrollments and revenues had grown, remained stable, or declined from 1975 to 1979. Differences among these groups on nine variables representing levels of slack, flexibility, and variety in 1975-1976 were examined using multivariate analysis of variance. Public and private institutions were examined separately. Stable institutions exhibited higher levels of variety in programs and revenue sources than did growing or declining institutions. Institutions with declining enrollments had lower levels of slack resources than did growing or stable institutions, while institutions with declining revenues had higher education of slack resources than did growing or stable institutions. For private schools the level of slack resources decreased as the severity of enrollment and revenue decline encountered in later years increased. Similarly, the level of programmatic and revenue source variety decreased as the severity of enrollment and revenue decline encountered increased. The results are examined within the context of the population ecology and innovation literature from the organization sciences. (Author/SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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