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Autor/inn/enClark, W. Bruce; und weitere
InstitutionSyracuse Univ., NY. School of Information Studies.
TitelIntroduction to Computer Searching Using DIATOM-File 1. Third Edition.
Quelle(1982), (81 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Databases; Higher Education; Information Retrieval; Library Education; Library Skills; Online Systems; Search Strategies; Simulation; Subject Index Terms; Training
AbstractThis manual has been prepared as a means of introducing students to online computer searching using DIATOM, a simulation of the ERIC file as it is searchable on the DIALOG Retrieval Service. The objectives and contents of the DIATOM system are described in the preface to the manual. The overall process of bibliographic searching and the procedures for signing onto the DIATOM system are then outlined. The basic operational commands for selecting and combining sets during searches and for typing search results are presented, and searching in specific fields within the basic index of the DIATOM file, proximity searching, free text operators, and truncation are discussed. Techniques for searching fields not included in the basic index of the DIATOM file, for limiting search results by such parameters as publication type, and for examining the DIATOM system dictionary during a search are also outlined. In addition, the "stacking" of commands is reviewed. Exercises illustrating the principles covered accompany each section of the manual, and a set of culminating exercises which test the range of commands covered by the manual is included. Flowcharts illustrating search processes, a list summarizing the commands discussed, appendices on using Telenet and Tymnet and on the "limit" command in DIALOG, and an index accompany the text. (Author/JL)
AnmerkungenSchool of Information Studies, Syracuse University, 113 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, NY 13210 ($5.00).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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