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Autor/inBrenneke, Judith Staley
InstitutionJoint Council on Economic Education, New York, NY.
TitelIntegrating Consumer and Economic Education into the School Curriculum.
[Report No.: JCEE-310
Quelle(1981), (48 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Concept Teaching; Consumer Education; Curriculum Development; Economics Education; Elementary Secondary Education; Fused Curriculum; Integrated Curriculum; Program Implementation; Social Studies
AbstractThis publication examines techniques for integrating consumer and economic education into the K-12 social studies curriculum. The intended audience includes school administrators, curriculum developers, and classroom teachers. Many practitioners have found that consumer education is an excellent area for developing the skills of economic analysis. Students find relevance in applying economic concepts to consumer situations since they have already assumed the role of consumers. Consumer education provides many opportunities to show how the public and private sectors allocate resources which are consumed by student and other individuals in the society. There are three major sections to the publication. The first section presents a rationale for including consumer economics in the curriculum. Discussed are the role of economics in consumer education, the multi-grade and multi-disciplinary thrust of consumer education, and the need for focusing on concepts. The second major section presents a methodology to help establish an appropriate sequence for the introduction of specific economic concepts. The third section contains a procedure by which consumer economics can be newly emphasized in the existing curriculum. Examined are the planning procedures for curriculum change, determining the implementation method, and the process of curriculum development and change. The appendices contain a glossary of concepts and a ranking procedure used to develop the hierarchy. (Author/RM)
AnmerkungenJoint Council on Economic Education, 1212 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036 ($1.00).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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