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Autor/inBoulouffe, Jacqueline
InstitutionLaval Univ., Quebec (Quebec). International Center for Research on Bilingualism.
TitelLe processus du retour au connu dans la classe de langue (The Process of Returning to What is Known in the Language Class).
[Report No.: ICRB-B-104
Quelle(1981), (165 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCreative Thinking; Discovery Processes; Language Acquisition; Language Processing; Language Research; Recall (Psychology); Retention (Psychology); Second Language Learning; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis study concerns a moment in the learning process which is considered crucial, namely, that point when the learner is confronted with the necessity of discovering from the models already learned and stored in memory elements that will be useful in constructing a new utterance or solving a new problem. The emphasis is on the point of connection between the retrieval and restructuring of that which has already been acquired and the construction of a new utterance. The objective is to show the impact of that connection on learning and derive a cognitive methodology for language instruction. Such research and methodology would seem necessary in view of the situation in which material is presented, but the process of making connections is left to the students themselves. The study is presented in three parts. First, the role of the past is examined with respect to memory, learning, language acquisition and second language learning, and intervention. The second part describes three experiments dealing with the organization of memory and both prospective and retrospective uses of memory. Third, the concept of creative learning is examined and pedagogical implications are discussed. (AMH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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