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Autor/inRobinson, Lee W.
InstitutionTexas School for the Blind, Austin.
TitelProject ForSight: Early Education Program for Multihandicapped Visually Impaired Children. Replication Manual.
Quelle(1980), (148 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Multiple Disabilities; Parent Participation; Parent Teacher Cooperation; Parents as Teachers; Preschool Education; Program Descriptions; Program Development; Student Evaluation; Visual Impairments
AbstractThe manual provides an overview of Project ForSight, a program to assist parents in teaching their preschool multihandicapped, visually impaired children at home. Chapter 1 presents background information and describes procedures for locating, screening, assessing, and programing the children it serves. Also offered are procedures for replicating the program. Chapter 2 reviews the Project's philosophy of homebased early intervention programs, including strategies for determining an appropriate setting for a program, selecting staff, and developing a framework. Emphasis is placed on the importance of parental involvement with the handicapped child and his educational program. Chapter 3 expands upon the philosophy of how he/she views the role of the professional who works with parents in the home. Appendixes contain instructions for using the Vision-Up Curriculum (which is the basis for assessing and programing children served by the project); instructions for using the Parent Needs Inventory (developed to assess the needs and concerns of parents); a listing of books, articles, and audiovisuals that the project considers useful in working with parents of multihandicapped visually impaired children; and sample forms. (Author/SB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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