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Sonst. PersonenHenderson, Anne (Hrsg.)
InstitutionNational Committee for Citizens in Education, Columbia, MD.
TitelParent Participation-Student Achievement: The Evidence Grows. NCCE Occasional Papers.
Quelle(1981), (76 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Academic Achievement; Disadvantaged Youth; Elementary Secondary Education; Family Characteristics; Family Influence; Federal Aid; Parent Aspiration; Parent Influence; Parent Participation; Parent School Relationship; Predictor Variables
AbstractAn introduction and annotations of 37 research reports review evidence regarding the effect of parental involvement on student achievement in elementary and secondary education. The annotations cover studies from 1966 through 1980 that analyze such variables as family background and socioeconomic status, parent powerlessness, parents' expectations of their children's academic achievement, family and student self-image, educational activities in the home, and parents' involvement in parent-teacher associations and other in-school activities. The introduction briefly traces the development of research on parental involvement, starting with James Coleman's 1966 study, "Equality of Educational Opportunity." The author concludes that the form of parental involvement in education, whether in or out of school, is not important as long as the involvement is well-planned, comprehensive, and long-lasting and serves to integrate students' experiences at school with those at home. Further research is needed, the author says, on methods of home-school collaboration and on the need for federal aid to continue parental involvement. (Author/RW)
AnmerkungenNational Committee for Citizens in Education, 410 Wilde Lake Village Greene, Columbia, MD 21044 ($3.25 plus $1.00 postage/handling; quantity discounts).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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