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Autor/inund weitere
Sonst. PersonenMegarry, Jacquetta (Hrsg.)
TitelWorld Yearbook of Education 1981. Education of Minorities.
Quelle(1981), (404 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Cultural Differences; Cultural Pluralism; Educational Innovation; Educational Needs; Educational Opportunities; Educational Policy; Educational Trends; Educationally Disadvantaged; Ethnic Relations; Foreign Countries; Global Approach; Language Handicaps; Minority Groups; Multicultural Education; Nondiscriminatory Education; Official Languages
AbstractThe problems of students who are disadvantaged by differences in culture and language are examined in 22 essays. The first section presents concepts, issues, and trends in research and practice. Part Two offers a range of national policies on minority group education in the Soviet Union, Canada, China, Africa, and the United Kingdom. Essays in the third part treat the relationship between majority and minority languages in Wales, Malaysia, the United States, and West and East Africa. Sociological concerns are reviewed in Part Four, where the emphasis is on the educational opportunities for minority groups in Zimbabwe, Canada, Great Britain, and Australia. Part Five contains descriptions of innovations in minority group education in the United States, Australia, Great Britain, and West Germany. A final section provides a bibliography that supplements the references listed at the end of each essay, including books, pamphlets, documents, periodical literature, and working papers. Each essay is preceded by a summary, and biographical notes on the contributors and editors are appended. (FG)
AnmerkungenNichols Publishing Company, P. O. Box 96, New York, NY 10024 ($35.00).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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