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Autor/inn/enDunlap, William P.; Feldman, Phillip
TitelTeam Approach to Field Based Preservice Teacher Education.
Quelle(1981), (29 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Cooperating Teachers; Education Majors; Faculty Advisers; Field Experience Programs; Higher Education; Mainstreaming; Preservice Teacher Education; Schools of Education; Sequential Learning; Student Teacher Supervisors; Student Teachers; Teacher Education Curriculum
AbstractThe preservice program at University of Southern Alabama's College of Education is specifically designed to include early field experiences that: (1) incorporate university faculty and cooperating teacher supervision; (2) provide opportunities for observing and teaching mildly handicapped mainstreamed children in local school districts; (3) assess preservice teachers based on their teaching competencies at each phase; and (4) can be implemented without major additional financial, personnel, or material costs. Field experience is concurrent with theory and methods courses and is divided into four sequences, each lasting one semester. The introductory sequence provides students with a realistic basis for making a decision about their future role in education. Sequence II includes courses geared for education specialties and planning, implementing, and evaluating language arts and reading activities. At the end of this sequence, students are expected to become actively involved in appropriate classroom activities, conduct formal peer evaluation, and teach lessons in science, social studies, and mathematics under the supervision of cooperating teachers. Students in Sequence IV strengthen and refine their skills and ultimately do one week of solo teaching. An evaluation model matrix for each of the four sequences is appended, indicating student behaviors which relate directly to the objectives of the program. (FG)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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