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Autor/inn/enRose, Clare; und weitere
InstitutionEvaluation and Training Inst., Los Angeles, CA.
TitelThe Development of a State Distribution System for Federal Vocational Education Funds.
Quelle(1981), (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCompliance (Legal); Delivery Systems; Disabilities; Educational Legislation; Equal Education; Federal Aid; Federal Legislation; National Surveys; Postsecondary Education; Program Development; Resource Allocation; State Programs; Statewide Planning; Vocational Education; California
AbstractThe main purpose of the Evaluation and Training Institute Distribution Study was to design a system for distributing vocational education funds in California which complied with requirements of P.L. 94-482 and was equitable and practical to implement. Eight states were selected whose state plans, vocational education delivery systems, and/or distribution methods were most comparable to California for study of methods used to distribute vocational education funds and effects of those methods on meeting needs. They were Illinois, Ohio, Florida, Washington, New Jersey, Arizona, Michigan, and Colorado. Three general categories of procedures used to divide federal funds between the secondary and postsecondary systems were analyzed: simultaneous distribution among postsecondary and secondary institutions, division of funds on the basis of legislative requirements or political negotiation, and division of funds on the basis of program enrollments or costs. Five alternative methods emerged as possibilities for dividing funds: (1) allocate all federal funds to the postsecondary system, (2) allocate only federally required 15% minimum setaside to postsecondary system, (3) divide funds on basis of unadjusted vocational enrollments, (4) divide funds on basis of adjusted vocational enrollments or some measure of vocational attendance units, and (5) distribute funds directly to local districts with no agency level split of funds. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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